Handcrafted classical and steel string guitars featuring unique woods,  tasteful aesthetics and meticulous engineering all combined to create a one of kind instrument with amazing sustain, volume and projection. 

“The power and headroom of the instrument does nothing to detract from the detailed and characterful nature of this stunning 00, with as much in the way of clarity and depth played at a whisper as when exploring the tonal response at higher volumes, in part due to the use of innovative Carbon Falcate Bracing. G.R. Bears instruments are thoughtfully aimed at contemporary finger style players, with outstanding playability and feel across the board with a sense of articulation and inspired musicality that suits a huge range of playing styles outside of this initial impression!” - The North American Guitar London

"There is a tonal quality that is really unlike any of the more standard guitars that I have.   The sustain, purity, volume, etc are simply fantastic.  I love how well it holds volume and strength as I go up the neck.  It is a great addition to my lineup, and I'd have to say right now, it will sit in the number one slot on my guitar rack. I can only imagine it will even get better and better with a bit of playing. The Blackwood is stunning with amazing depth. I absolutely love it." - Steve Sykes 

"The best acoustic guitar I have heard for range and complexity and I've heard lots, and lots" - Pete McCurly

“I’ve been playing G.R. Bear’s Falcate Braced Concert 000 acoustic guitar for half a year and am confident that I will be discovering its potential for a long time to come. Its unique bracing, compact body style, and brilliant selection of Australian Blackwood and Western Red Cedar offer a complex, well balanced sound. With deep, warm, and booming lows, as well as bright, bell-like, and powerful trebles all the way up the neck, the guitars dynamic range and versatility are incredible. As a classical and fingerstyle guitarist exploring alternate tunings, percussion, and counterpoint, i’ve found the responsiveness both in the neck and the body of this instrument relentlessly inspiring.” - Jacob Seyer www.jacobseyer.com